Change Log

1May 23, 2023AddedBooking Restrictions - Update configuration bounds
2November 01, 2022AddedBooking Channels - New section
3November 01, 2022AddedBooking Channels - Retrieve all known Booking Channels sub-section
4January 25, 2022AddedPricing Engine - New section
5January 25, 2022AddedPricing Engine - Retrieve pricing engine sub-section
6January 21, 2022AddedBooking Restrictions - Set date booking restriction sub-section
7December 02, 2021RemovedUsing Fragments - Removed LOS from example request
8December 01, 2021AddedNightly Rates - New section
9December 01, 2021AddedNightly Rates - Retrieve nightly rates sub-section
10December 01, 2021AddedNightly Rates - Set nightly rates sub-section
11December 01, 2021AddedBooking Restrictions - New section
12December 01, 2021AddedBooking Restrictions - Retrieve booking restrictions sub-section
13December 01, 2021AddedBooking Restrictions - Set booking restrictions sub-section placeholder
14November 04, 2021AddedPM Rates - Updated documentation for applyPer and productCodes.
15November 04, 2021AddedPM Rates - Added section 'Additional resources'.
16April 09, 2021AddedPM Rates - Added 'percentageOf' field for percentage based fees.
17August 27, 2020AddedPM Rates - Updated base request documentation for maxStayLength argument on lengthOfStay field.
18January 30, 2020AddedAPI Auth - Bearer token endpoint response now includes header max-expires-date.
19December 03, 2019AddedPM Rates - Value for fields 'name' and 'description' for In-Rent fees now are hidden by default.
20December 03, 2019AddedPM Rates - Added ability to reveal hidden fields by using custom field argument.
21October 15, 2019AddedPM Rates - Released v1 of Escapia LoS delta application which will push an updated LoS grid to all Partners within 5 minutes of accepting MarketMaker rate opportunities, which update a rate or bulk update of rates in Escapia.